What are the Transplant Games of America?  

The Donate Life Transplant Games is a sport festival event produced by the Transplant Games of America (TGA) for individuals who have undergone life-saving transplant surgeries. Competition events are open to organ transplant recipients, bone marrow recipients, corneal and tissue transplant recipients, donor families and living donors. More than an athletic event, the Transplant Games of America highlight the critical importance of organ, eye, and tissue donation, while celebrating the lives of organ donors and recipients. 

When are the Transplant Games of America?

The Transplant Games of America is headed to the “Magic City” of Birmingham, Alabama next year from July 5-July 10, 2024, in what we expect to be the largest Celebration of Life honoring the amazing miracle of organ, eye, and tissue transplantation. The Birmingham community has embraced our mission of honoring donors and heralding the return to health for thousands of recipients across the country and as hosts are eager to showcase the beauty, strength, and southern hospitality of this historical area. Attendees of the 2024 Transplant Games, in its 34th year, will enjoy the many parks, museums, and restaurants in the area as they meet old and new friends during this weeklong event.

View official press release here: https://transplantgamesofamerica.org/2024transplantgames

Who Can Participate?

Organ, Corneal, and Tissue Recipients must have been transplanted for at least one year prior, with stable graft function, be medically fit and have trained for the events in which they have entered. All competitors must be medically approved by their physician to compete. Living Organ Donors are eligible to compete in all individual events in their own division along with corneal and tissue transplant recipients. NEW: Donor Families can now participate in a limited number of medaling events. International athletes are welcome to compete but will earn duplicate medals in an ‘International Division’.

How can I participate?

 You can sign up to compete with Team Ohio by filling out our new member form or you can download the form here and mail it in. You will also need to register to participate in the games on the TGA website.

What can I compete in?

There are over 18 events to compete in for all levels of activity. Athletes will be allowed to enter a total of five sports(one per day). However, team events (3- on-3 basketball and volleyball) do not count toward the five event limit.  For a full list of sports, an explanation of categories and set up and the age groups check out the TGA site here

I have decided to go, now what?

TGA will continue to post more information about lodging, events and facilities as time gets closer to the games. 

I can’t wait to meet Team Ohio and other transplant recipient and donor families. I am excited to compete- it’s been a long hard fought battle to get here and I want to see what I can do. Go Team Ohio!
— Karen Murphy